Regina is a native executable, available as Free Software source code, or pre-compiled to a large number of platforms& install it pretty much as you would any other programming language interpreter. Regina是本地执行文件,以免费软件源代码方式,或者为诸多平台预编译好的方式获得&您可以像安装任何其他语言解释器一样安装它。
An executable unit begins at the start of every basic block and at any instruction that corresponds to a line of source code that is different than the previous instruction. 一个可执行的单元由每一个基本快开始,而与每行源代码相对应的指南与前面版本中的指南有所不同。
Ksh_timer might be used with other operating systems, and to achieve this, the ksh_timer_c executable must be rebuild for that operating system using the source code provided in the Installation section of this article. kshtimer可以用于其他操作系统,要实现这一点,必须使用本文安装小节中提供的源代码,为该操作系统重新构建kshtimerc可执行文件。
Partially covered lines can occur when there is more than one executable unit on a line of source code, but only one of them has been executed. 当在源代码中有不止一个的可执行单元时就会产生部分覆盖的行,但是它们中只有一个可以被执行。
Source Breakpoint There is no executable code at this location in the source code. 源代码断点(&S)源代码的此位置没有可执行代码。
Generally also includes the final executable file generated by the reader can use Visual Basic to open them separately, analysis of the source code and various properties of the control settings. 一般还包含最后生成的可执行文件读者可以使用VisualBasic将它们分别打开,分析其中的源代码和各个控件的属性设置。
It is internal, binary, executable and never decodes back to original source code. 它是内部的、二进制的、可执行的,并且绝不可能还原出原始代码。
There is no executable code at this location in the source code. Make sure switch is OFF before turning on power. 源代码的此位置没有可执行代码。接通电源前,应确保开关处于断开位置。
Reverse Engineering starts with the executable program systems, and generates the structure of system, and the design logic corresponding to the source code. 逆向工程从可运行的程序系统出发,生成对应源程序的系统结构以及相关的设计逻辑等等。
Software reverse engineering starts with the executable program systems, and generates the source code, the structure of system, and the documents of correlative design theories and algorithms. 软件逆向工程从可运行的程序系统出发,生成对应的源程序、系统结构以及相关设计原理和算法思想的文档等。